8.0 西班牙语 · 2025 · 西班牙 · 欧美剧
When Nobody Sees Us is based on the Sergio Sarria novel of the same name. Set against the dramatic backdrop of the Spanish Holy Week celebrations, the series is a thriller led by two policewomen trying to solve a series of crimes in the Andalusian town of Morón de la Frontera, in the political and cultural region of Seville’s so-called ‘deep Spain,’ which is home to one of the biggest international U.S. military bases. Lucía Gutiérrez is a sergeant of the Spanish Civil Guard investigating the bizarre suicide of a neighbour and strange events that have taken place during the first Holy Week float processions. Magaly Castillo is a Special Agent of the Military Police of the United States Army sent to find out the whereabouts of a missing American soldier who seems to be linked to the shady business of Colonel Douglas Hoopen, head of the Air Force Base, and an underhanded marine, Lieutenant Andrew Taylor. They soon discover that the two investigations are connected.
9.0 西班牙 · 2019 · 欧美 · 剧情片
9.0 西班牙语 · 2013 · 西班牙 · 爱情片
经营裁缝店的卡洛斯(安东尼奥·德拉·托雷 Antonio de la Torre 饰)安静优雅,他生活在西班牙一座静谧舒适的小镇,每天只是裁剪和烹饪美食,爱情仿佛与他完全绝缘。那天,卡洛斯所在的公寓搬来一位名叫亚历珊德拉(Olimpia Melinte 饰)的金发美丽女子。女人时常打电话大声吵架,突如其来的噪声显然侵扰了卡洛斯壳中的生活,但这个男子似乎又隐隐对亚历珊德拉产生了不易让人察觉的兴趣。某晚,亚历珊德拉找到卡洛斯,希望他能带自己去报案。在此之后,亚历珊德拉人间消失,而失踪当晚曾和她吵过架的双胞胎妹妹尼娜(Olimpia Melinte 饰)来到公寓寻找姐姐的下落,并宿命般地遇见了卡洛斯。藏着可怕秘密的卡洛斯,死神一般静寂的生活泛起波澜……